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Quest lvl 110

Quest 110

Step 1: "Old War"

Location: Ricarten Town.

NPC starting: Commander Derick.

NPC finishing: Commander Derick.

Objective: Find the "Questionable Document" through hunting LEngineer in Secret Laboratory, and deliver it to Commander Derick.

Image of Hunting Objective:

Image of the Quest Item:

Reward: 479,391,996 Experience.

Step 2: "Questionable Document"

Location: Ricarten Town.

NPC starting: Commander Derick.

NPC finishing: Craftsman Salon.

Objective: Take the "Questionable Document" to Craftman Salon for further research.

Reward: None.

Step 3: "Transmission Report"

Location: Ricarten Town.

NPC starting: Craftsman Salon.

NPC finishing: Commander Derick.

Objective: Take the "Report Salon" to the Commander Derick.

Reward: None.

Step 4: "Invaders Chopped"

Location: Ricarten Town.

NPC starting: Commander Derick.

NPC finishing: Commander Derick.

Objective: Go to Secret Laboratory and hunt 60 Invader Monsters which assigned by Commander Derick. Those Invader Monster are consist of: ITechnician, ISoldier, Ibomber and IElite. After accomplished the hunting of those 60 Invader Monsters, go back to Ricarten Town and talk to Commander Derick.

Image of Hunting Objective:

Reward: 479,391,996 Experience.

Step 5: "Sensible Newter"

Location: Ricarten Town, Pillai Town.

NPC starting: Commander Derick (Ricarten Town).

NPC finishing: Clever Newter, Teleporter (Pillai Town).

Objective: After receiving the mission of Commander Derick, go to Pillai Town and tale to Clever Newter, Teleporter.

Reward: None.

Step 6: "Bomb Manufacture"

Location: Pillai Town.

NPC starting: Clever Newter, Teleporter (Pillai Town).

NPC finishing: Clever Newter, Teleporter (Pillai Town).

Objective: Obtain "Unstable Force" through hunting Tulla in Ice Mine 1F, then deliver it to Clever Newter, Teleporter.

Image of Hunting Objective:

Image of the Quest Item:

The moment you took the quest of this part:

The moment you finished the quest of this part:

Reward: 479,391,996 Experience.

Step 7: "Deliver Bombs"

Location: Pillai Town, Ricarten Town.

NPC starting: Clever Newter, Teleporter (Pillai Town).

NPC finishing: Commander Derick (Ricarten Town).

Objective: Get the "Destruction Bomb" of Clever Newter, Teleporter and deliver it to the Commander Derick in Ricarten Town.

Image of the Quest Item:

Step 8 (Final Step): "Destroy Ancient Weapons"

Location: Ricarten Town.

NPC starting: Commander Derick.

NPC finishing: Commander Derick.

Objective: Go to the Secret Laboratory and install the "Destruction Bomb" at either one of the following locations (see the installation area below). After the installation of "Destruction Bomb", go to Secret Laboratory's boss room and defeat Draxos, then reporting to the Commander Derick.

Installation Area: OR

Hints about the installation process: The golden glowing magical mark will appear when you step on, install the "Destruction Bomb" while its shinning.

Image of Hunting Objective:

The moment you took the quest of this part:

The moment you finished the quest of this part:

Final Reward: +3 EPs.

Hints: 1) In this quest, monsters defeated by other party members also count for you. 2) You may need to hunt more than 1 LEngineer to acquire the quest item, it's not a 100% chance drop. 3) Unlike the previous quests, this quest is non-consecutive, you may cancel it at certain step and re-take the same step which you cancelled before.